“We offer solutions for older clients who face legal issues that are unique to their age group.”
“Serving clients with respect and honesty since 1990.”


Medicaid is a complex system. With careful planning, you can get the most out of your Medicaid benefits. The Law Offices of Debra G. Speyer, has assisted numerous clients with understanding Medicaid. Here is one example.

Getting the most out of your Medicaid benefits

Fred and Ann G. were afraid that in the event Fred needed to go into a nursing home, all their lifetime savings would be used to pay for Fred’s nursing home care. They were concerned because Fred had been diagnosed with early signs of dementia. They did not have enough money to pay the nursing home from dividends and interest income. Fred and Ann met with Debra and brought a list of their assets with them. Debra explained to them that to obtain a nursing home Medicaid grant, a person must reduce their financial resources to approximately $2,400, depending on the laws of the state where that person resides. Together, Debra helped Fred and Ann G. create a plan that addressed their concerns.

Taking the mystery out of Medicaid

The Law Offices of Debra G. Speyer know that the Medicaid system can be confusing. We help you understand your rights and the options you have so you can take full advantage of your coverage. Contact us to find out how an experienced Medicaid attorney can help you.